Size chart

Need Help Choose Your Print Configuration?

Hello! I know choosing from amongst the different option of prints can be a little confusing. Let me try and help!

"Size" Options

Obviously, the size you choose depends on the amount of space on the wall. However here are some helpful tips:

  • 16x12: Starter photos - for you to get a firsthand experience of print quality as well as to start off on your art-collection journey. Size wise, these are appropriate for smaller spaces especially areas that you spend a lot of time in. Office desks, the kitchen, or even work desks at home. When you can see them near, you'll find yourself transported to the photo's location! 
  • 20x15: Good for crowded walls, or nooks that may have narrow walls. Ideally you should have standing space near the area, so you and the family can see it up close. Ideal for gifting to acquaintances especially whose house you haven't yet seen. 
  • 24x16: For larger and/or emptier walls. While this size doesn't dominate the wall, however it does revel with some elbow room around the frame! You can enjoy this standing about 3 feet away. This is the ideal size for gifting to the family - it's not too large, nor "tiny".
  • 36x27: Usually these are "Feature" prints - alone on a wall, with light falling from the front. These are easily visible from 4-6 feet away. Don't be surprised though, if they become the topic of conversation often, when you have friends over. Your eye too might wander to it, as you sit anywhere in the room, sipping your chosen beverage!
  • It's important to consider that all Paper prints will grow in size, once framed. Remember to head over to the Framing tab below, to check how much expansion to plan for.